So I hear you want people to hire you for your vibes, but you're still working with these "save me" clients who you spend most of the time hand-holding and have nothing to show for.

If that’s got you on a “oops guilty as charged” hold, keep reading. 😉

Let me just say that I know you’re already a (soulful) baddie at what you do.

Like hello, the proof is in all those Voxer fangirl memo puddings.You’re clearly iconic at helping your soulmate clients 10x their results EVEN IF they’re intangible transformations.You’ve grown leaps as a coach, a space holder and as a healer.And so has the potency of your craft.But with this growth came a pull.A pull to serve a new era of clients.Baddie clients that are:✨ F*cking game to commit to the process even if it means doing the uncomfortable (sometimes dirty) but important work.✨Already a “fck yes!" BEFORE the DM convo or sales call coz #vibes✨Asking powerful AF questions because they’re 9-times-outta-10 aware of their own blindspots.✨Ready to smash through the upper limits of their own journey (whether it’s their self-love, soul purpose, mindset or energetic healing) by co-creating their own transformations WITH you.And more importantly…✨Like newfound biz besties that you'll actually want to immerse into a somatic retreat with somewhere in Costa Rica.

Because if you’re being completely honest with yourself....

that “honeymoon” phase you had with your (current) clients-where you would pause Bridgerton in a heartbeat JUST to reply to them is…o.v.e.r.

Ya might not want to hear this but in my honest opinion it sounds like you’ve outgrown your clients because…

🔮 That “buzz” you get from showing up 10 minutes before a coaching call has gone poof coz you know exactly how THAT conversation is gonna go like same old same old🔮 You’re trying hard not to roll your eyes at your clients excuses as to why they haven’t done the thing you spoke about in your last call and that you even reminded them to do on Voxer like 3 days ago #facepalm🔮 Resentment has entered the chat. It’s starting to feel like you’re giving advice to your bestie about their toxic ex knowing that she’s probs getting back together with them for the bajillionth time. Need I say more?🔮 You’ve come to a point where you even question your own abilities (like do ya need another certification or summin) even though you’re a badass at what you do because they’re not pre-qualified to achieve the results you offer

If this landed for you, I want you to know it’s totally NORMAL to wanna work with a new era of clients.Because guess what?Working with a omg we're the same vibe client is most definitely in the cards for you.Like seriously, whichever deck you pick up (oracle, angel) it’s leading to you this chapter.BUT to serve a new era of clients requires a new era of messaging.

FYI, baddie clients actually enjoy paying coaches who give them a taste of their energy and vibe before they hit "pay".

And I hate to burst your bubble but they don't get that from your "coach speak" messaging that sounds like errbady in that mastermind you're in.Ya know the one where you promise them..."Become your best self"
"Meet the man of your dreams"
"Unleash the sexual goddess in you"
"Bring that big p*ssy energy"
But before you go off to start blaming yourself, tap it out with me: It's not my fault.Coach speak is rampant in the intangible niche because MOST (if not all) "magnetic messaging" programs in the IG wilderness were made by BIZ coaches for BIZ coaches.Which means....They can EASILY sell Stripe wins after Stripe wins.



9 weeks of mentoring and action to help soulful baddies (like you) to find your messaging match. Ditch the “coach speak”—attract clients that invest from omg we’re the same vibe and not “hold my hand” energy.

Now i don't want to waste both your time (and mine), here's what you actually need to have in place to be a fit for MM remastered:

🌙 You've worked with at least one client that you're actually obsessed with and you wish you could clone them🌙 You're already making consistent money in your business and understand the basics of messaging like pain points, desires, and benefits etc.🌙 Your social media audience has already heard you speak consistently about one of the chosen offers you want to work on during these 9 weeks together🌙 You're willing to pull up your sleeves and dedicate 2-3 hours per week on your messaging strategy

POV: you finally meet your messaging match...

✨ You're feeling Christmas morning excited because now your Voxer is popping with "I already implemented the thing we spoke about two days ago and the results are insane!" messages✨ Baddie clients sending you DMs like "omg girl I read your posts and I was like we are literally the same person. How can we work together?"✨ You're sending them (metaphorical) flowers almost every other week because WOW they're leading themselves and creating these big soul transformations that deep inside knew you were capable of catalyzing✨ You're feeling "Savasana" calm because you no longer have to over explain why you can't reschedule their 1:1 call, the clients you have in your roster show up 5 minutes early in the Zoom room no matter if they're on a boat or at the airport. #committedbaddies✨ You've stopped the "what if it's coz I'm not good at what I do" train of thought because now you're only attracting your BEST clients that are pre-qualified to achieve these soul transformations you sellAnd the best part...Launching new offers (low and high-ticket) and actually having a repeatable game plan on what needs to get done to craft messaging that pulls in your "omg same vibe" clients

Here's how it's going down

Week 1: surface your embodied message

We'll kick off your mentorship with a 75-90 minute call to go over your questionnaire. In this space we'll be focusing on max 2 offers so you can master your messaging methodology and integrate in 9 weeks. Not gonna lie, this sesh is the best way for me to understand the embodiment level of your message.Key outcome: Together we surface your unique framework that answers that gap in the market. If ya get sales page lingo, this is basically the part where you show them This is why it didn't work which is why I created ABC.

Week 2-3: understand your audience's self-expression

The missing piece to attracting client's that you're #obsessed with that is bypassed by most (if not all) "magnetic messaging, content that converts program" out in the courses-of-the-wild is TRUE understanding of your soulmate client's self-expression. You'll receive a custom (to your offer and niche) module with the EXACT strategy on how to date your soulmate without hoping on a call.Key Outcome: After you've done your HW from your "Date Your Soulmate Client" module, we'll hop on a 60 minute call and together we'll unravel how to extract "gooey messaging" that informs your tangible scenarios for your "does this sound familiar?" and "what if I told you it's possible for you to?" bits you'll be repeating in your IG stories, IG posts, emails and sales pages.

Week 4: Crafting your offer's perceived value

Your offer is only as good as it's perceived value. Master the art of positioning so that no matter what you're selling, you can easily identify the specific transformation that your soulmate client wants to actually pay for.Key Outcome: In a 60 minute call we'll dial in on one of the most important aspect of your marketing- your offer statement. You'll want to sell what your soulmate client's WANT and not what they NEED. If you're like "waddyaaa meaaan?" don't sweat it, you'll gain total clarity in this call.

Week 5-6 pop your self-expression cherry (without selling your soul)

In this day and age where almost everything sounds AI, your most important leverage is your self-expression. Because when you lean into your self-expression, not only do you become UNCOPYABLE but you create a shared language between you and your soulmate client.Key outcome: Together we'll "pop" your self-expression cherry through a 21 day content challenge where you get to lean more into what's alive for you in the moment but at the same time connect it back to your offer messages. You get Google doc access inside these 2 weeks so I can chime in with "Okay this bit can be more specific if you..." feedback.

Week 7-8: birdy it's time for your swan song

Something I've learned the past few months is that my greatest moment of transformations is when I was solely reflecting on myself for answers. Which is why I've intentionally designed this space to include a 2 week period of no contact.Key Outcome: This period inside the container will define your willingness to pull up your Swiftie hoodie sleeves and actually put in the work needed to become a messaging match for your "omg we're the same vibe" clients.

Week 9: Audit + refinement

To wrap up our time together I'll be auditing your "swan song" during the 2 weeks of no contract. And then we'll hop on a 75 minute coaching session that meets you where you're at.Key Outcome: This will all depend on the results of the audit. Whether you need more guidance on turning those intangible outcomes into tangible scenarios or restructuring your offer messaging to standout like a Swiftie in a crowded room, I got you.

And that's a wrap! all that's left for you is to rinse and repeat your newfound messaging skills for all your offers.😉

So if you're like LFG!

Send in your application and book a speed date with me, Colleen. You might think I'm "old school" for doing calls but I need to hear the passion when you talk about your offer coz I’m not here to write words out of nowhere, I’m here to translate the heartbeat of your offer. 🍒 And if the heartbeat ded and then no amount of messaging spells will sell it 😜

If we "vibe" and we both decide we wanna put a ring on it, I'll send you a link to the scheduler where you’ll be prompted to sign the contract, choose the payment plan that expands you and fill out the questionnaire that will be sent instantly to your inbox.

Here's what you'll actually get

when you jump inside messaging matchmaker remastered

🐚 The Messaging Matchmaker™️ Methodology which will teach you the immutable strategy on how you can recreate that omg I love your vibe messaging strategy for your offers that you will get through a hybrid of calls and pre-recorded modules.🐚 (5) 1:1 calls where you get hands-on, personalized strategy and mentorship for your 2 chosen offers.🐚 2 weeks of Google doc access to get in-depth feedback on your written work, whether that's captions, emails, or your sales page.🐚 2 half-days of Voxer per week (Thursday-Friday, 9AM to 1PM EST, except during weeks 7-8) to get your SOS questions answered on the strategies you're learning during a specific themed week.🌙 BONUS! Make your personality pop with my "How TF do I infuse more personality to my copy" audio course so that your soulmate client can easily spot you in an galaxy of coaches that are in the same niche as you (Value $333)🌙 BONUS! Weave in ethical "I need this RN!" urgency in your messaging training through my FOMO framework that you can use to turn those "sorry, maybe in the next round" to "I changed my mind, f*ck it, let's do it!" DMs (Value $333)🌙 BONUS Get Specific AF mini training for when you "think" you've forgotten how to create Kodak moments in your copy that tap into the subconscious mind of your audience (Value $222)

YOUR pre-sale investment


Price increase to $3333 after 3 spots are filled.

Deanna Hinsz

grace brodeur

wanna be part of the I'm obsessed with my clients club?